Collection Unguent

Collection Unguent

Collection Unguent Program is suitable to use mainly in case of people with very limited mobility, with acute locomotive troubles or as preparation for exercises or for intensification of previous procedures. It uses body imbalance influence with ointment priming on places chosen by a program. Thereby it influences body activity as a whole, not only problematic parts. Practically all massage emulsions and ointments have in their manuals recommended application on problematic parts (strained muscle, painful joint…), but  it is possible to use more intelligent an effective solution, that uses knowledge of relations places on a body surface towards remote body parts functions. Intensification of a treatment effect happens with a higher effect and longer efficiency. We can say that Collection Unguent Program  provides ointments an artificial inteligence. A recommended frequency of application is once in 1-5 days at least, it depends on acuteness of troubles and a personal sensitivity, but it is necessary to test possible intolerance of some ointment or emulsion components. Programs that use various ointments or massage emulsions are in a supply.

Unguent Boby Star exploits massage emulsions BOBY Star that is mainly suitable for sportsmen or people with a big physical load/strain.

Unguent Traumaplant exploits an ointment TRAUMAPLANT. It is mainly suitable for people with joint troubles.

Unguent JUST uses various kinds of ointments JUST. Their combination can intensify a tretamnet efficiency. It is mainly used in professional centres.